Saturday, March 9, 2013

"The Limey" You Tell Him I'm Coming (Explicit Language)

"The Limey" is a film from 1999 directed by Steven Soderbergh. It is a terrific film about an Englishman named Wilson, played by the always great Terrance Stamp, who is on a quest in LA to find the man he thinks is responsible for his daughter's death. Wilson is a career criminal with a rather violent streak and he will stop at nothing to find this man. In this scene Wilson has gone into a warehouse to get some information, he is thrown into the street and told in no uncertain terms to leave and never come back by three large men. The three men leave Wilson on the ground. As the three men enter back into the building Wilson gets up, draw his firearm from his waist and enters the building. The beauty of this scene is we do not actually see what Wilson does, but we hear it and it is awesome. One man runs from the building and Wilson returns to the outside as well yelling to the man, "You tell him I'm Coming." Amazing Scene. Enjoy!

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