Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Worrying and Love the Bomb" Strangelove Explains the Bomb

"Dr Strangelove" is a great movie. From Stanley Kubrick in the early part of his career, he made one of the great American classics. "Dr. Strangelove" stars Peter Sellers in three roles including Strangelove and The President in this scene. Also in the scene you get a small helping of George C. Scott as General Turgidson. Also in the film is Slim Pickens, in one of the most memorable roles in Cinema, but he is not in this scene. Watch the movie to see Slim. In this scene, Dr. Strangelove explains to the President and Russian Ambassador the need for the existence of a Doomsday Bomb and why it cannot be a secret. This scene with two roles by Peter Sellers shows just how great sellers was in adapting to a role. This is a terrific scene. Enjoy!

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