Monday, March 25, 2013

"Jaws" USS Indianapolis

"Jaws" from Steven Spielberg is an outright terrifying film. The story of a rogue Great White Shark terrorizing a resort town of Amity Island. In order to rid the town of the threat, Quint (A Shark Hunter), Hooper (A Shark Expert), and Chief Brody (Chief of Amity Police) go out on a boat The Orca to hunt down and kill the Great White. If you have not seen Jaws I am not sure what to say, it is one of the great American Classics. In this scene, which follows a terrific scene of Hooper and Quint comparing scars, Quint talks about his experience with the USS Indianapolis after it was sunk by a Japanese Sub in Shark Infested waters after delivering the Bomb to drop on Japan. This was a real event and Quint's story lines up perfectly with the true story. Enjoy!

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