Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Randall Returns

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" directed by Milos Foreman is one the great Jack Nicholson performances. Nicholson is a somewhat rebellious man who is committed to a mental ward with an interesting cast of characters, played by a number of amazing actors including Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd and Brad Dourif. The ward is overseen by Nurse Ratched (Louis Fletcher) who is in Randall's word more dictator than nurse. Randall has no love for Ratched, but unlike others in the ward he is also not afraid of her. She despises him. In this scene, Randall returns from a stint of electroshock therapy, which in this ward is being used more as a punishment than an actual healing tool. He returns acting as if he has been completely lobotamized, but then breaks out of his act much to the joy of the other patient and to the chagrin of Nurse Ratched. Great Film. Enjoy!

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