Monday, March 18, 2013

"North by Northwest" Crop-duster

Hitchcock the Master of Suspense. Having just watched "Hitchcock" about the making of Psycho (which is great) I decided to put an iconic Hitchcock scene up today. This scene from "North by Northwest' may be one of the most iconic in all of cinema. In the scene Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant), who has been mistaken for government spy George Kaplan by foreign agents, is on the run for his life. He comes to a bus stop in the middle of nowhere, where he believes he will be meeting the real George Kaplan. After a bit of waiting and speaking to a man who is not George Kaplan he is attacked by a crop-duster that was dusting empty fields. This is an amazing scene, and along with the scene just before it builds suspense very well. Enjoy!

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