Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Schindler's List" The Girl in the Red Coat

If there is one movie that I consider a Masterpiece it would be "Schindler's List." However it is a movie that I can never watch again. It is a tough movie to watch. Everyone should see it, as it covers a part of history that is the darkest ever, but also tells the story of a man who gave everything he had to save people he did not even know. It is a powerful film, all in Black and White, except for this single scene with a small child wearing a red coat, Oskar Schindler looks on with horror as the Nazi's round up the Jewish of the Ghetto and execute many, while this one lone child runs through the streets. Powerful and amazing scene, possibly one of Spielberg's greatest moments. This scene was inspired by a Yahoo! article on the now woman who played the little girl.

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